Updated History of Park Board and Community Support for Mount Pleasant Pool June 2022

1. 2001 Park Board commissioned an aquatic needs study, the Aquatic Services Review. The study showed strong
support for replacing Mount Pleasant Pool and for increasing the capacity of aquatics facilities in general. The
outcome of the 2001 survey indicated that the majority of respondents favoured replacing outdoor pools as they
wear out, were strongly opposed to closing the outdoor pools, felt that the city should invest in outdoor
swimming pools, and there was strong agreement that everyone benefits from public swimming and that pools
are essential to the quality of life in Vancouver.
Despite this, the report recommended closing outdoor pools as they wear out and not replacing them.
https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2001/011105/aquatic_app.pdf A great deal has transpired since 2001.
2. March 2002 Park Board Staff recommends permanent closure of Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool when it wears
out or when the Mount Pleasant Community Centre (MPCC) is relocated to #1 Kingsway, contrary to public
support for replacing the pool. https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2002/020311/aquatics1.pdf
3. Summer 2003 the ad hoc ‘Save Mount Pleasant Pool’ Committee (Pool Committee) was formed and petitions
were circulated to save the Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool (MP Pool).
4. October 7, 2003, around 30 Pool Committee members and interested citizens present 1,626 petition signatures
to the Planning and Environment Committee of Park Board and speak in favour of MP Pool. Staff is directed to
undertake a design and budget review of park development options for MP Park after the MPCC moves to #1
Kingsway. https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2003/pe031104/mom_oct7_03.pdf
5. PB Staff formed a volunteer Planning Review Group made up of community volunteers. Over several months the
group developed three options for the redevelopment of Mount Pleasant Park that were presented at an Open
House in February 2005. https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2005/pe050215/mom_feb15_05_pe.pdf
6. February 2005: Feedback received at the Open House indicated overwhelming support (over 80%) for replacing
the outdoor pool (Option #3).
7. Park Board Draft Capital Plan allocated $4 million for the redevelopment of MP Park to include a replacement
pool based on high demand in city wide Capital Plan Feedback.
8. Park Board Staff reported to the PB on the support for a replacement pool on May 3, 2005. Note discussion
comment: because the potential for pool breakdown is a significant risk, the rebuilding of Mount Pleasant Pool
needs to be prioritized due to the urgency of the project. It was noted that other worthwhile projects do not
face the same risk if they are not funded in the next capital plan.
9. May 2005 three Public Information Meetings were held regarding the 2006-2008 Draft Capital Plan. 23% of all
speaker feedback received at these meetings is regarding MP Pool, in support of Option #3 to replace MP Pool.
46% of all written comments in the city wide Public Information Process are about the rebuilding of MP Pool.

10. June 23, 2005 report by PB staff indicating that the majority of responses from the Capital Plan Consultation were in support of the Olympic Legacy practice rink, the replacement of Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool, and the VanDusen Garden Building.
11. September 2005 the final Capital Plan reduces the funding for MP Park to $1 million for the redevelopment of
the park, MP Pool is not funded.
12. September 13, 2005 several hundred Mount Pleasant residents parade from MP Pool to City Hall and speak to
the Special Council Meeting on the Draft Capital Plan.
13. September 19, 2005 PB unanimously passes a motion in support of retaining an outdoor pool in MP Park, and in favour of redeveloping two outdoor neighbourhood pools, overriding the recommendations of the 2001 Aquatic Services Review. https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2005/051003/mom_sept19_05.pdf
14. September 20, 2005, PB General Manager Sue Mundick delivers a memo to City Council at the Capital Plan hearing to inform Council of the PB motion of September 19.
15. The following motion is put forward to Council and Carried: THAT: Council encourage the Park Board to review
options for keeping the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool open at least until completion of the proposed
replacement for Percy Norman Pool at the new Hillcrest Centre and request the Board to report back on the
additional costs that would be necessary in the Operating Budget. Report Reference 1. G
16. October 20, 2005 PB Aquatic Services Renewal Plan Update to approve a process to re-evaluate the
recommendations of the Aquatic Services Review with respect to the retention of MP Pool and to identify
possible external funding sources. Discussion point #2 on page 4 directs staff to work with the community to
identify external sources of funding, and discussion point #3 on page 4 directs staff to revise the
recommendations of the Aquatic Services Review without retroactively changing the original report.
17. October 31, 2005 PB motions carried to clarify the intention to rebuild MP Pool, for the community to
immediately begin fundraising, and to clarify that money would not be available until the 2009-2011 Capital Plan
at the earliest. Staff is directed to meet with the community by January 2006 and to report back to the board on
funding opportunities by March 2007.
18. January 2006 the Pool Committee and MPCCA submit a detailed list of potential funding sources for rebuilding
MP Pool. All requests to meet with staff on funding opportunities are denied.
19. March 20, 2007 Staff makes a recommendation to PB Planning and Environment Committee to demolish MP
Pool and build a water spray park. Many community stakeholders attended the meeting in support of rebuilding
MP Pool as per 2005 motions. A PB committee member suggested that a public consultation should take place
to ascertain what type of facility is needed.
20. February 2008 PB Draft 2009-2011 Capital Plan includes an additional $750,000 (additional to the $1m from the
2006-2006 Capital Plan) for the MP Park renewal. Staff suggests that this may be used for a water spray park.
21. September 2008. After the community outright rejected the $750K allocation for a water spray park, $0 was
allocated to Mount Pleasant Park in the 2009-2011 Capital Plan.

22. June 1, 2009 a PB meeting was held at MPCC and drew a large crowd of advocates for the MP Pool project. Over
6,000 petition signatures in support of a replacement pool are presented to PB.
23. Extensive public consultation is conducted by Mustel Group over the future of Mount Pleasant Park August 2009
through December, 2009. An overwhelming majority support the replacement of MP Pool (Option #2).
24. December 10, 2009 Mustel Group presentation to PB Planning and Environment Committee with staff recommendation to develop Mount Pleasant Park with an outdoor swimming pool.
25. December 14, 2009 Staff recommends a plan for Mount Pleasant Park that allows for the future development of
an outdoor pool when funds become available.
26. December 14, 2009 staff recommendations from public consultation to develop a plan for MP Park that allows for the future development of an outdoor pool when funds become available, moved and adopted.
27. Vancouver Society for Promotion of Outdoor Pools registered as Society under the BC Societies Act to
complement and expand upon work undertaken with the Mount Pleasant Community Centre Association.
28. June 21, 2010 MP Park Open House exploring options for MP Park renewal.
29. September 22, 2010 Public Open House soliciting further input on MP Park renewal features.
30. 83% of participants supported the inclusion of a new outdoor pool in Mount Pleasant Park over any other park
31. October 20, 2010 GM Memo Staff recommendation to approve the proposed MP Park upgrade as described in
Appendix A. https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2010/101101/MountPleasantParkUpgrade.pdf
32. November 1, 2010 PB unanimously approves the proposed MP Park upgrade that includes a site for a ‘Future Pool’ when funds become available.
33. 19 September 2011 MP Pool not included in 2012-2014 Capital Plan.
34. MPCCA Submission for funds for swimming pool in 2015-2018 Capital Plan Capital Plan Submission
2015-2018.pdf Not funded.
https://parkboardmeetings.vancouver.ca/2016/20160530/MOTIONDECISION-ExpeditingNewOutdoorPools-20160530.pdf THAT the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation direct staff to explore quick start strategies, including the reallocation of existing capital funding, to expedite the construction of new outdoor pools in the
City of Vancouver.
36. Submission made for funding in Previous Capital Plan (2019-2022). Appendix E. Page 3. Mount Pleasant Pool considered within the draft Capital Plan. Not funded pending outcome of VanSplash.

37. Vansplash. Vancouver’s most extensive aquatic review to date, a three year process, concluded with clear recommendation to replace Mount Pleasant swimming Pool per the 2010 Park Redevelopment design.

38. Mount Pleasant Pool not funded in 2023-2026 Draft Capital Plan.

39. April 26, 2022, Council motion passes unanimously THAT Council direct staff to report back to Council prior to
the final capital plan with recommendations to fully fund and deliver the replacement of the outdoor pool in
Mount Pleasant. https://council.vancouver.ca/20220426/documents/regu20220426min.pdf

40. Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool not funded in Final Capital Plan that goes to Park Board for decision on June 27,

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